Blessed House

It would be of no exaggeration to equate these heroes to the Giving Tree

“Wisdom is the rare jewel that sits high atop, radiating the unspoken glory of our elders,”  Unknown.

At the world-front, they set the tone for the generations to come, always pushing the limit. From building the mightiest ships, erecting the most glorious business empires, defying gravity to land on the moon, saving the oceans, striking the most euphonious cords, to concocting the mind-blowing flavors. While at the home-front, they were our first love, our first rockstars, teaching us from tying shoe lace to solving trig problems, from holding our hands while crossing streets to holding our teenage hearts falling apart at every shallow remark, they would love us so unconditionally to jeopardize their own well-being. They have toiled their present to make our future brighter

These are none other than are our beloved ones, our parents, our uncles, our aunts or a distant relative, the genuine unsung heroes of our society.

It would be of no exaggeration to equate these heroes to the Giving Tree. Now it is our turn to give back and take care of the most valued members of the golden generation.

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